Find out about news, concerns, problems and successes of two regular artists. Russian and Central American, we now live in different spots of the United States. We have our official website and stores on Etsy and eBay where we give you excellent service and professionally deliver our art to you, but here you can find out who we really are and how we came to be ourselves!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy St. Valentine's Day!
We just wanted quickly to congratulate all who experienced, experience or dream of experiencing true love! I am sure I included everyone! Just remember that love is not just a word that means something vague and corny. It is what you feel for something or someone that makes you want to be a better person, improve yourself, give back, embrace the world and live your life to the fullest! So if you didn't find what or who you love yet, we wish you to find it soon! Also, thank you for enjoying our art, posts and stories!
A caricature of Maria's parents, Viktor and Lubov (means Love in Russian) |
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Сегодня пишу на русском, потому что хочется поговорить о России. Я сижу тут за компьютеров с Лос-Анджеле, штат Калифорния, США, когда в моем родном Челябинске час ночи, и вся моя семья, наверное, уже спит. Сижу и думаю о том, как бы дать русским людям возможность наконец жить так, как они мечтают. Почитала сейчас статью здесь Слон.ру и в общем-то согласна с автором. Я все еще считаю себя (и являюсь) только русской, поэтому буду говорить слово мы, имея в виду русских. Так вот, мы действительно не очень-то правдиво видим реальность ситуации сегодня, мне кажется. Я постоянно читаю какие-то мнения людей, которые всячески пытаются оградить Россию и русских от всех остальных, считая неприемлемым учиться на ошибках других народов. Я не могу писать мат по-русски, потому что мои родители воспитали меня не говорить таких слов, и я не собираюсь пересиливать себя, но те, кто пишут о том, что русские, живущие заграницей, недостойны быть названными русскими, и западный мир - это какашка, которая нам не нужна, очень по-творчески используют бранные слова в своих изречениях. Меня это бесит. Мне не нравится, что мой выбор оценивается моими же согражданами как предательство. Не лезьте в историю моей жизни и в мою душу, вам не обязательно знать, почему так произошло. Вам просто не разрешается предвзято относиться к другим людям, независимо от их предпочтений, выбора, сексуальной ориентации, этнической принадлежности, и других характеристик. Подумайте о том, что ваше зло, которые вы впрыскиваете в мир, делаем с ним!
Мне не нравится признавать, что Россия сегодня потеряла культуру. Я могу точно сказать, что художественный мир России сегодня очень яркий и многообещающий - художники Kostya Lupanov и Serge Marshennikov, может, и не очень известны большей части русских, но они существуют, творят и показывают западному миру, что у нас есть чем гордиться. Обычные люди (и обычные художники в жизни) - я не знаю... Мы как будто меняемся, когда сталкиваемся с системой, становимся подозрительными, злыми, ждущими чего-то плохого, грубыми... а система тоже состоит из людей, и все это становится круговоротом зла в России. Давайте не будем так больше жить! Давайте посмотрим, как в других странах справляются со стрессом. Давайте чувствовать хоть немножко ответственности за настроение и жизнь окружающих нас людей! Помните советский мультик про енота? Если ты ему улыбнешься, он тебе в ответ улыбнется тоже! Это все очень примитивно, и уже было сказано миллионы раз, но я чувствую, что надо это повторять так много раз, чтобы это отложилось на подкорках, и во что бы то ни стало, использовалось в каждодневном общении! Мы должны как Мюнхгаузен сами вытаскивать себя из воды за волосы, окультуриваться, ограничивать свой гнев и ненависть и непонимание! Давайте жить дружно, хотя бы внутри страны, и все будет хорошо!
Мне не нравится признавать, что Россия сегодня потеряла культуру. Я могу точно сказать, что художественный мир России сегодня очень яркий и многообещающий - художники Kostya Lupanov и Serge Marshennikov, может, и не очень известны большей части русских, но они существуют, творят и показывают западному миру, что у нас есть чем гордиться. Обычные люди (и обычные художники в жизни) - я не знаю... Мы как будто меняемся, когда сталкиваемся с системой, становимся подозрительными, злыми, ждущими чего-то плохого, грубыми... а система тоже состоит из людей, и все это становится круговоротом зла в России. Давайте не будем так больше жить! Давайте посмотрим, как в других странах справляются со стрессом. Давайте чувствовать хоть немножко ответственности за настроение и жизнь окружающих нас людей! Помните советский мультик про енота? Если ты ему улыбнешься, он тебе в ответ улыбнется тоже! Это все очень примитивно, и уже было сказано миллионы раз, но я чувствую, что надо это повторять так много раз, чтобы это отложилось на подкорках, и во что бы то ни стало, использовалось в каждодневном общении! Мы должны как Мюнхгаузен сами вытаскивать себя из воды за волосы, окультуриваться, ограничивать свой гнев и ненависть и непонимание! Давайте жить дружно, хотя бы внутри страны, и все будет хорошо!
Матрешки, 2012, Маша Пэйес |
Monday, February 9, 2015
Valentine's Day, naturalization interview and stress!
This week is starting really intense for me! Yesterday night someone bought the Nude Torso picture of which I just posted previously. So today morning I was busy packing and preparing shipments for our clients. I always feel a little sad giving away or selling the artwork I love. But I think it should be this way, because otherwise I didn't create something worthy of my feelings, and that's just wrong. So, I said good-bye and let go.
The other news is that I just finally got the letter for an interview for my citizenship. However, I probably will need to reschedule, since Vic and I will be in Florida by that time. I am totally ready and cannot wait to become an American, but in my heart I will always belong to Russian culture.
Another event this weekend is Valentine's day, and we are offering this great little cheap caricature gift to everyone who loves or is loved - secretly I am hoping to get one from my hubby, but by the result we will find out whether he reads our own blog or not:
Happy Love Day to you this Saturday! Appreciate every little emotion you share, every little heartbeat spent together, because you never know when the next one is going to happen, if ever! Even if you are angry with each other, real love would never let go of you, and you will still sip his tea before giving it to him to know it's sweet enough and not too hot to drink.
The other news is that I just finally got the letter for an interview for my citizenship. However, I probably will need to reschedule, since Vic and I will be in Florida by that time. I am totally ready and cannot wait to become an American, but in my heart I will always belong to Russian culture.
Another event this weekend is Valentine's day, and we are offering this great little cheap caricature gift to everyone who loves or is loved - secretly I am hoping to get one from my hubby, but by the result we will find out whether he reads our own blog or not:
Happy Love Day to you this Saturday! Appreciate every little emotion you share, every little heartbeat spent together, because you never know when the next one is going to happen, if ever! Even if you are angry with each other, real love would never let go of you, and you will still sip his tea before giving it to him to know it's sweet enough and not too hot to drink.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Our art related to fitness and health! Improve yourself and be happy!
Just wanted to share with you our art related to fitness motivation, self-improvement and things that we consider fun! Both Victor and I do fitness off and on for many years. I just love doing exercises by Zuzka Light and Victor is fond of Crossfit. It contributes to our sedentary art life and keeps us fit! Besides, both of us try to follow Paleo diet that concentrates on consuming protein, which is both delicious and healthy!
Moloriki Fit, by Victor Payes |
Nude Torso, by Maria Payes |
Strogirl, by Maria Payes |
Beast Mode, by Victor Payes |
Friday, February 6, 2015
I would like to start with announcing that Victor and I, those two artists whose blog you are reading at the moment, are moving out of Los Angeles, CA to Orlando, FL. We used to live there for a year after we got married, but then decided to go to live with Victor's family in California, Universe knows why. I mean, I like LA for lots of interesting places and businesses, for somewhat cold winter (in comparison with FL), for museums and education it gave me, as well as many great friends and family who we are sadly leaving now. However, we are very excited to go back to this holiday state where people are easy-going, less pretentious and just pure happy! We miss those beaches where you can actually enjoy swimming and tanning, those green grass dog parks where our babies are not getting dust all over them, that slightly cheaper rent that offers resort-level lifestyle for a good price.
We have a month for getting all things done here, and a little stressed, because we still have screen-printing fundraiser project awaiting ahead, and lots of old artwork needing to be sold, but it's all good! If you are interested in buying something made by us, ordering a caricature or a portrait in any technique, we are ready right now! Our eBay store and Etsy store are awaiting you! We take custom orders, ship art ourselves and soon will have screen-printing equipment for sale as well.
I'm not just mentioning it to promote Moloriki, but because not many people realize how much artists depend on stable sales. I have so many people watching our artwork on eBay for weeks, and they still don't buy it. We are very reasonable with our prices, but it's just kind of annoying to see someone watching me getting desperate trying to sell art and reducing and reducing the price, so they finally bid on it or offer their price, and sometimes not at all. I know that there are different reasons why people watch art on eBay, Etsy and never buy it, but I am sitting here online trying to promote it various ways instead of creating something new and beautiful for others to enjoy, and sometimes I question my choices. I am not good at marketing, sales, I suck at this... and I am still learning to do good art, but how can I live (even in FL) if I don't sell my own artwork?! Every artist asks themselves this question at some point and answers it somehow, but we found that if you want to make art and be called an artist, you need to learn skills outside your profession and keep going even if you feel like giving up. Believe me, both Vic and I gave up many times by deciding to have "a normal job", but only now that I'm selling art online, manage our business, I feel happier than ever! It doesn't mean that things don't piss me off sometimes in my job, but you are about to find out all advantages and disadvantages of artist profession here, so stay tuned!
We have a month for getting all things done here, and a little stressed, because we still have screen-printing fundraiser project awaiting ahead, and lots of old artwork needing to be sold, but it's all good! If you are interested in buying something made by us, ordering a caricature or a portrait in any technique, we are ready right now! Our eBay store and Etsy store are awaiting you! We take custom orders, ship art ourselves and soon will have screen-printing equipment for sale as well.
I'm not just mentioning it to promote Moloriki, but because not many people realize how much artists depend on stable sales. I have so many people watching our artwork on eBay for weeks, and they still don't buy it. We are very reasonable with our prices, but it's just kind of annoying to see someone watching me getting desperate trying to sell art and reducing and reducing the price, so they finally bid on it or offer their price, and sometimes not at all. I know that there are different reasons why people watch art on eBay, Etsy and never buy it, but I am sitting here online trying to promote it various ways instead of creating something new and beautiful for others to enjoy, and sometimes I question my choices. I am not good at marketing, sales, I suck at this... and I am still learning to do good art, but how can I live (even in FL) if I don't sell my own artwork?! Every artist asks themselves this question at some point and answers it somehow, but we found that if you want to make art and be called an artist, you need to learn skills outside your profession and keep going even if you feel like giving up. Believe me, both Vic and I gave up many times by deciding to have "a normal job", but only now that I'm selling art online, manage our business, I feel happier than ever! It doesn't mean that things don't piss me off sometimes in my job, but you are about to find out all advantages and disadvantages of artist profession here, so stay tuned!
Mermaid, done by Victor Payes, 2015. Acrylic on illustration board, 10"x10" |
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